Keep the pests at bay with K-Guard

K-Guard gutter systems are designed with features that not only manage water flow but also help to prevent the intrusion of pests, which can become a significant issue in traditional open-top gutters. Here’s how K-Guard protects against pests and why this might be different from other gutter systems: Fully Enclosed Design K-Guard: The one-piece hood-and-gutter…

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The K-Guard Installation… Easy, Professional

K-Guard gutter installations are handled by authorized dealers and professional installers. Here’s what you can generally expect during the installation process: Consultation and Estimate Assessment: A professional will come to your home to assess the current gutter system and evaluate your specific needs. Customization: You may have the option to choose from various colors or…

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Why choose K-Guard this winter?

Protecting gutters during the winter months is crucial, especially in regions prone to freezing temperatures, snow, and ice. K-Guard’s unique system can be a strong ally in safeguarding your home from winter weather. Here’s how and why K-Guard can be beneficial during winter, along with some general tips for winterizing your gutters. Why Choose K-Guard…

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Why choose K-Guard?

Choosing K-Guard for gutter installation can offer several benefits, depending on the specific needs and preferences of a homeowner. Here are some reasons why someone might opt for K-Guard guttering: 1. Integrated Leaf and Debris Protection K-Guard’s patented design includes a one-piece system with a built-in hood that uses surface tension to channel water into…

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Compare K-Guard

K-Guard gutters are a specific leaf-free gutter system designed to prevent clogs and simplify maintenance. Let’s explore the features of K-Guard gutters and compare them to the competition:  K-Guard Gutters Design: K-Guard gutters have a unique, fully integrated system with the hood and gutter formed from one piece. They typically include a large 5-inch gutter…

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Get the most benefit from a K-Guard leaf filter gutter system

K-Guard leaf filter gutter systems are designed to prevent debris, leaves, and other particles from clogging the gutters of a building. Here’s an overview of some of the benefits associated with using a leaf filter gutter system: Prevention of Clogs: Traditional gutters can become clogged with leaves, twigs, and other debris. These blockages can cause…

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